About fake[dac~]#

fake[dac~] is an interdisciplinary platform operating as an online broadcaster, artist collective, and event series dedicated to advancing research and creative practice in audio-visual arts.

fake[dac~] events are fun & danceable events and are curated with that in mind. We do not cater for concert pieces or artists working in noise, experimental or other genres unfortunately. fake[dac~] aims to to bridge the world of night club culure with audio visuals, VJ’ing, live coding and other interesting art forms.

Situated at the intersection of art, technology, and algorithmic processes. fake[dac~] events showcase audio visual artists, DJ’s & VJ’s working with any medium as well as those working with algorithmic processes including but not exclusively live coding and computational aesthetics, fostering a critical space for experimentation, collaboration, and discourse within the digital arts community.

fake[dac~] is named after the digital to analog converter object from pure data so its pronounced: “fakedack”.

Our Team#

Join us at our next event to experience the future of algorithmic art!

If you making algorithmic dance music or amazing visuals we are always looking for new talent to book and showcase!