open call

To stop the lineups getting repetitive and we want to inject a fresh dose of of new talent into each of our future events at Corsica Studios. We’ve been trying out an open call and searching for new artists. It’s been a successful exercise (possibly too much of a success).

I have my favourites within the AV, livecoding/algorave and VJ scenes. So for the last fake[dac~] events. Historically I didn’t give Luis Sanz, michael jon-mizra and tyger blue a chance to help curate I’ve just gone ahead and booked the lineups so far but that is all changing.

Now the challenging part of curation has officially begun!

Thank you to all those that emailed and submitted your video’s, music & links to play at the next fake[dac~] event on June 18th 2025. This is going to be a special event with improved AV, multi cam video recordings of each performer.

Artists will be contacted invdividually in the coming days and weeks.

If you missed the open call you can still email and we will consider you for future events.